We strive tirelessly to ensure that we provide the most competitive prices online. If you happen to come across another online store offering a lower price than ours, kindly inform us and we will unquestionably beat that price. Our aim is to instill confidence in you, assuring that you are receiving the absolute best price for the product you wish to purchase.

Our 100% Price Match Guarantee is subject to the following limitations

  • Promotions such as rebates and buy one, get one free offers are not eligible.
  • The website in question cannot be a discounter or auction website (e.g., eBay, etc.).
  • The competitor must be an Authorized Retailer of the item you have purchased.
  • The Price Match Guarantee encompasses the item price, sales tax, and shipping charges.
  • Price matches do not apply to exchange orders or replacements.

Please be aware that certain exclusions may apply.